Monday, November 17, 2008

Our CD is almost here!

OK!  I just can't help it!  I had to share this with you!  Isn't it stunning!!  Lisa put this together and although the final order of songs is not yet decided, the layout is set!  We are beyond excited for the release of the very first Dangerous Curves CD!  What an undertaking that is-let me tell you!  First the recording process was fun-exciting-difficult-introspective and things I never imagined.  What an amazing learning experience as a performer.  For me, the thing I wanted most to do was make the recording feel like it was a live performance-but with the perfect, clean, clear sounds of recording. 

Now, we are working on the finalization of things-mixing and mastering and putting together the hard copy stuff-like the example above!  Lisa did such a great job on that and wait 'till you see the rest!  Its breathtaking!  I feel so lucky to be a part of this with these amazing girls!  We decided to feature ourselves a bit with some solo work and hon-est-ly!  Gret should be on Broadway with her rendition of "Children Will Listen", and don't listen to Lisa's haunting version of "By The Way" while you are driving cuz the tears are gonna flow!  I was fortunate enough to do an original song written by Rob Hyatt and Jerry Jones, I hope you love it as much as I love singing it!
Gotta run friends, rehearsal tomorrow morning!
Be sure to check us out at