Sunday, October 11, 2009

Stu and Den and the Curves Lisa Meisner, Todd Vigiletti, Lisa Smith,
Karen Merstik-Michaels, Dennis Michaels,
Stewart Daylida -former YA's!

Gosh, it has been a while since I have written. Forgive me Curvy darlings and I promise to make it a fall filled with lots of exciting news! It was a long hot summer of rehearsals and shows and lots of work on our EPK and some well needed personal time!
First of all, we performed in the Den and Stu Show which was spectacular! Tons of great comedy and these boys do nothing but sing, sing, sing! Now, it is true that Den is my husband and Stu is our best friend, but still! There's no bias-just truth and fact abound here!!! They plan on putting the show up again so stay tuned for more info on this great show.
Much of our rehearsals were taken up with work on our EPK, i.e., Electronic Press Kit. Lisa is our resident Photoshop goddess and thank god for her, because this thing looks awesome! Gret and I would put in our opines and 2 cents and Lisa would create it! It will be up on our webpage soon so take the time to download it and look it over!
And, hey! Please don't forget to become a fan on our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter and if you wanna keep a smile on your face, download our debut CD "Girl Talk" on iTunes!